The sports center is a huge park, with several tennis courts, around which is a trim track, 250-300m in circumference. There are also basketball courts, football pitches, swimming pools, fitness equipment, monkey bars, swings, ice-cream wagon and so on. The best thing about it is that there is a lot of greenery – huge linden trees surround the trim track and especially after the rain the sweet scent of the trees, along with fresh air make exercising even more enjoyable. The entire sports centre is a little oasis of green and no wonder that it is almost always crowded. Sometimes running seems like a hurdle race because there are so many people around, you literally wish you could jump over them. From the day one, I realized that what makes the entire atmosphere so special is that there are people of all ages – little babies in prams, toddlers whose idea of fun is to unexpectedly jump in front of you so you almost knock them down, teenager girls who are there mostly to check out on young sportsmen puffing and sweating, business people who are looking for a way to get rid of stress, little old ladies who walk step by step in their funny slippers, professional body builders who want to show off their perfect bodies, etc. All in all, a wonderful diversity that creates a genuine sport-like atmosphere and makes you want to stay there as much as possible.
Although when I’m running I don’t see anyone else ( except from myself on a huge stage performing “You could be mine” with Axl Rose!), I could not help but not noticing that some people were looking at me, especially because my running shorts tend to, sort of, shrink due to excessive sweat. I tried to fix it, pulling it down, but then realized I was causing even more attention. When I turn up the music, I feel invisible (like in that movie with Adam Sandler, when the kid puts on sunglasses and is convinced no one can see him) and then don’t care either who’s watching me, or about the portion of my bare skin which is being stared at. I am there to run, to do something nice for myself and I honestly do not care if someone is going to think something else. After all, it’s not my fault that the fiber the shorts are made of shrink. My motto has always been “Run and let run”. All the people are there for one thing, so I don’t mind what someone else is wearing, if they wear anything at all.
However, yesterday evening, I could have been stark naked, in high heels and a whip in my hand and shouted “Get on, boys” – no one would have noticed me. The reason was a middle-aged lady, in a pair of shorts even shorter than mine, that literally, but LITERALLY was “eaten up” by her HUGE ass, a short T-shirt not covering her stomach at all and barely covering her hanging tits. Now, as long as a man or a woman looks great, it does not matter what they wear. Even if a woman is 50 if she has a great body, I wouldn’t have anything against if she had come naked. If I looked like Madonna, I wouldn’t wear any clothes at all! But, the above-mentioned lady is nothing like Madonna! She might be a bit younger, though, maybe in her late 30s, say 36-37, but she should be fined for showing up at the sports center, in front of all that children, old people, young people, dressed like that. She is tall, but equally fat. Her flabby, fat stomach, with a tacky navel pierce was bulging, looking quite dreadful. I have never seen one, but I guess that middle-aged actresses for “adult movies” look like that! I could not stop but starring – and I never stare – not even at a young, sexy topless boxer, warming up, jumping over a rope! Actually, everybody else was starring, too, in shock and disbelief. The most shocking thing, however, was that she was there with a baby in a pram that she left beside the track, while she was jogging – jogging my ass, because she was only there to draw attention of the single daddies, who were drooling over her! I never had a bigger desire to tell someone they should learn to behave in accordance with their age. Not only was she dressed like a pornstar, but she neglected the baby, too!! When I finished my running, she had gone home, so I did not see if someone had “picked” her or she left home empty-handed!

I though I had seen all, really. There were some quite interesting examples there and I have never given a damn. Hey, this is a free country, everyone has the right to wear what they want and to come to a sports center for all the reasons but sports. But, should this be allowed?
Again, the target of my rage is not the fact that she was wearing fewer clothes than a typical “Freestyler” (a famous night club) girl, but the fact she left a baby, in a pram, in order to pretend to run. If she were 20 and with perfect body, I would probably react the same. But, she is closer to 40 and she resembles a milking cow. Sorry, a horny milking cow!
If I see her again, I am probably going to report her, for disturbing public peace and order.
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